Safety, Health and Environment

The personal safety and health of each employee of this Institution is of primary importance. The prevention of occupationally induced injuries and illness is of such consequence that it will be given precedence over operating productivity. To the greatest degree possible, management will ensure that all mechanical and physical facilities are in compliance with Client Safety Manual and Saudi Arabian Law and other applicable safety standards.

It is our goal to maintain a safety and health program conforming to the best practices within the construction industry. To be successful, such a program must embody the proper attitudes toward accident prevention of both supervisors and employees. It also requires cooperation in all safety health matters, not only between supervisors and employees, but also between employees and their fellow workers. Only through such a cooperative effort can a safety record in the best interest of all be established and preserved.


Our objective is a safety and health program that will reduce the number of disabling injuries and illness to a minimum, not only in keeping with, but surpassing the experience of other operations similar to ours. Thereby reducing the cost of insurance and making our Institution more competitive in the job market.

Tool box meetings will be held at regular intervals to discuss pertinent matters relating to the safety of work including essential measures to be taken to prevent injuries and damage property(s). Refreshment of any applicable safety rules/regulations will also be taken and reminded.

In addition, all supervisors and foremen shall be directed to hold a “Ten-minute Safety Discussion” every working day to remind craftsmen under their control about the safe and orderly method of work execution they are going to undertake. This will prevent and minimize accident occurrence due to fresh reminders of safety every time they commence to work.

When an emergency condition exists, every supervisor shall ensure the following:

  • Immediately secure the area and implement emergency action plan.
  • Every work is stopped at once.
  • All men are evacuated to a pre-determined evacuation point.
  • Permit no one to return to work until notification has been received that it is safe to do so.

New employees will be trained about loss control principles andmanagement’s expectations for safe work performance.  The training will include Institution safety policy and Institution code of employee discipline.

Also safety course are arranged for supervisors and engineers. This training shall reinforce their responsibilities for their workers’ safety and welfare.

  1. Responsibility and implementation of the safety program sprung from the top level management of the Institution, thus overshadowing a more forceful and man dative action to the delegated responsibilities. As a general summary, the following outlines the responsibilities to be played by key personnel as far as safety is concern:

    General Manager:

    • Has overall responsibility for the Institution’s safety program and regularly reaffirms support for loss control activities
    • Insures that all employees are informed of top management’s commitment to safety and the abidance of all federal, state, and local regulations.


    • Establish Institution safety rules and programs, and provides supervision with the backing, training and funds to implement these rules and programs.


    Safety Coordinator

    • Responsible for implementation and monitoring the safety program.
    • Reviews and maintains current copy of all applicable Federal, State, and local safety and health regulations.
    • Implements and monitors safety training programs and provides safety materials as needed.
    • Assists site supervision in accident investigation and recommends controls to prevent a reoccurrence.
    • Assures proper notification in the event of an accident.


    Supervisors / Foremen

    • Responsible for the safety of their employees and oversees the compliance with the safety program and applicable local regulations.
    • Arranges for prompt medical attention in case of an injury and provides a through written investigative report with recommendations to prevent a reoccurrence.



    • Responsible for learning and abiding by the rules and regulations which are applicable to their assigned tasks. Reports all accidents and near-misses.
    • Perform their functions in the safest possible manner and encourage co-workers to do likewise.
    • Smoke or rest only in designated area(s). Never hide in corners, under vehicles and electrical rooms.

First aid and other medical exigencies will be provided in compliance with Client Safety Manual requirements.

In emergency cases, which require hospitalization, an ambulance will take the patient to the nearest health care facility.

The use of personal protective equipment will be strictly enforced. Hard hats shall be worn at all times by all workers. Proper hearing, eye, and face protection shall be worn when required.

There shall be a sufficient number of hand operated fire extinguisher located throughout the project site for protection of buildings, storage areas, and equipment. No open burning will be allowed on the job site, therefore, reducing fire hazards. Additional, other fire hazards will be reduced through protection measures such a good housekeeping, spacing of temporary buildings of non fire resistive type, and proper storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids.
Appropriate signs, signals, and barricades shall be posted and/or erected to provide adequate warning of hazards to workmen and the public.

During construction, the following shall be provided:

  • Necessary sings and traffic marks will be provided at appropriate locations to guide and set an orderly traffic manoeuvres in these areas.
  • Traffic barricades and detour signs shall be provided as required.
  • Temporary lights/illumination at night time shall be provided.
  • Flagmen to direct traffic and warn motorists of an ongoing work in the area.

Storage of all material in tiers will be stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise secured toprevent sliding, falling, or collapse. The use of ropes, slings, and chains for material handling shallconform to the safe usage recommendations of the manufacturer. All such equipment will be safetychecked periodically.

  1. All electrical equipment, tools and extension cords must be grounded properly. All other electrical work, installation and wire capacities must be in accordance with standard details. The general foreman-electrical on the job will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all temporary electrical facilities in accordance with the contractor requirements.

Ladders or stairs will be provided for each elevation accessed greater than 19 inches in height. All portable ladders must extend at least 3 feet above the landing and shall be tied, blocked, or otherwise secured at the top and the bottom to prevent displacement and must be replaced if they have any broken or missing rungs or steps and broken or split side rails..

All scaffolding must have sound footing and anchorage. Any scaffolding over a 10 feet rise must have guard rails, mid rails, and toe boards. Scaffolding that is 4 feet or more in height that has a horizontal working surface less than 45 inches, must be equipped with a standard guard rail. If personnel work or pass under scaffolding, 1/2 inch wire mesh screen will be installed from toe board to top of guard rail for protection from falling material. Scaffolding must be tied off to the structure at intervals not to exceed 26 feet in height and/or 30 feet of continuous length.

Protection will be provided for all flammable and combustible liquids, and storage of flammable liquids having a flash point below 140 degrees F and having a vapour pressure not exceeding 40 PSI (absolute) at 100 degrees F. Only approved containers and portable tanks may be used for flammable liquids.

Cylinders containing oxygen or acetylene shall not be taken into confined spaces. Tag and remove from service a damaged or defective cylinder.

Empty cylinders shall be segregated and placed and secured in empty cylinders areas. These shall be labelled.


All compressed gas cylinders must have valve protection caps in place and secured when not in use, being moved, or stored. They must also be secured in upright positions at all times except, if necessary, when being moved or hoisted. Acetylene cylinders if laid down, even for a brief period must be placed upright for 24 hours prior to use. They will not be stored in the same area as petroleum-based products. Fuel gases and oxygen cylinders will be separated by 20 feet (except for the cylinders on a welding cart).

Any and all cranes, derricks, hoists, elevators, and conveyors shall comply with the manufacturer’s specifications and limitations. Only qualified operators will be allowed to run any of the above mentioned equipment.

  1. All scrap lumber, waste material and rubbish must be removed from the immediate work area as the work progresses.

During gas welding and cutting operation, keep cylinders far enough away from the actual welding or cutting so that sparks, hot slag, or flame will not reach them. When this is impractical, fire resistant shields shall be provided.

During arc welding and cutting operations using manual electrode holders, only holders which are specifically designed for arc welding and cutting may be used. Any current-carrying parts passing through the portion of the holder which the arc welder or cutter grips in his hand, and the outer surfaces of the jaws of the holder must be fully insulated against the maximum voltage encountered.

A ground return cable shall have a safe current carrying capacity equal to or exceeding the specified maximum output capacity of the arc welding and cutting unit which it services. Pipelines containing gases or flammable liquids, or conduits containing electrical circuits may not be used as a ground return. The frames of all arc welding or cutting machines must be grounded either through a third wire in the cable containing the circuit conductor or through a separate wire which is grounded at the source of the current. When electrode holders are to be left unattended, the electrodes must be removed and the holders placed or protected so they cannot make electrical contact with employees or conducting objects. Any defective or faulty equipment must be reported. Whenever practical, all non-combustible or flame proof screens which will be placed so they protect employees or other persons working in the vicinity from the direct rays of the arc.

All equipment and materials used in concrete construction and masonry work will meet the applicable requirements for design, construction, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operations.

On buildings or structures requiring steel erection that are not adaptable to temporary floors, and where scaffolds are not use, safety nets must be installed and maintained whenever the potential fall distance exceeds two stories or 25 feet. The nets must be hung with sufficient clearance to prevent contact with the surface of structures below. A safety railing of 1/2 inch wire rope or equal must be installed approximately 42 inches high, around the outside of all temporary planked or temporary metal decked floors of tier buildings and other multi floored structures during structural steel assembly. In addition, a mid rail and toe boards must be installed. During the final placing of solid web structural members, the load must not be released from the hoisting line until the members are secured with not less than two bolts, or the equivalent at each connection and drawn up wrench tight. Tag lines must be used for controlling all loads. Containers must be provided for storing or carrying rivets, bolts, and drift pins, and secured against accidental displacement when aloft. Pneumatic hand tools must be disconnected from the power source, and pressure in hose line must be released before any adjustments or repairs are made. Air line hose sections are used to join sections. Impact wrenches must be provided with a locking device for retaining the socket.

Employees are encouraged to submit suggestions on how to create and improve job safety consistent with job requirements. All suggestions received will be evaluated and proper awards will be made as appropriate. In all cases, requirements of this safety program is an utmost consideration, as applicable, to the prosecution of the contract work in the most expeditious, economical and safe manner.

Before starting any work, it is the responsibility of the safety officer to identify potential hazard areas and/or situations. List corrective action for every hazard identified and ensures that all personnel involved in the project are aware of all identified hazard and corrective actions.

  • Hazardous materials handling and storage

The following standard operating procedures will be followed by all personnel:

  • Regular fuelling and oiling of construction equipment will be performed daily to reduce the potential for accidental releases;this will be performed-by designated, trained service personnel either before or at the end of the workday.
  • No fuel, oil, or hydraulic fluids will be stored on site. These will be transferred directly from a service truck to construction equipment tanks. After completing the refuelling, service trucks will leave the site.
  • Refuelling and maintenance of vehicles and equipment will occur only in designated areas that are either covered with concrete or asphalt to control potential spills. Catch-pans will be placed under equipment to catch potential spills during servicing.
  • Service trucks will be provided with fire extinguishers and spill containment equipment, such as absorbents. Should a spill contaminate soil, the soil will be put in containers and disposed of as a hazardous waste.
  • Vehicle and equipment service and maintenance will be conducted only by authorized personnel.
  • Refuelling will be conducted only with approved pumps, hoses, and nozzles. All disconnected hoses will be placed in containers to collect residual fuel from the hose.
  • Vehicle engines will be shut down during refuelling.
  • No smoking, open flames or welding will be allowed in refuelling or service areas.
  • Refuelling will be performed away from bodies of water to prevent contamination of water in the event of a leak or spill.
  • All containers used to store hazardous materials will be inspected at least once per week for signs of leaking or failure. All maintenance and refuelling areas will be inspected monthly.
  • Results of inspection will be recorded in a logbook that will be maintained onsite.
  • Paint, thinner, solvents, cleaners, sealants and lubricants will be stored in a locked utility building, handled per the manufacturers’ directions, and replenished as needed. Ventilations will also be provided to prevent reaching the flash and fire point of these chemicals.



  • Hazardous waste disposal

The Institution will follow clients’ procedures, and other government/environmental regulations on proper disposal of hazardous materials. A temporary dump area in the work site will be requested to the client. Sealed and labelled containers will be placed in this dump site area. A third party hazardous waste collector will be brought in to properly dispose these wastes.


  • Solid waste management
  • Storage containers with cover will be provided at work sites. Each container will be labelled for biodegradable and non biodegradable.
  • These containers will be checked weekly for leaks, corrosion and deterioration. Any found defects in these containers will be repaired or replaced.
  • A third party waste collector will be brought in for proper collection and disposal of these wastes.

Prior to mobilization in the project, all personnel will be trained in handling hazardous materials and the danges associated with hazardous materials. An onsite health and safety person will be designated to implement health and safety guidelines.

Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions created by an employee will not be tolerated. Employees violating safety rules will be disciplined. Disciplinary action may vary between a written reprimand to termination.. Minor infractions may be handled verbal. This determination will be made by the site superintendent and/or foreman.

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